Use Momentum indicators when trading crypto

Use Momentum indicators when trading crypto

Momentum indicators in the Crypto market are a type of momentum indicator. This indicator helps investors to clearly understand the increase or decrease of a coin. In addition, this indicator is also used to measure the strength of each trend. This allows investors to fully understand market psychology and predict future fluctuations. Let’s start learning about Momentum with Crypto Trading now.

Momentum Indicators analysis when trading Crypto

Nowadays, there are more and more technical analysis indicators appearing in the Crypto market. However, the momentum Momentum indicator is still preferred by many investors. This is not simply a calculation tool in the market.  Momentum indicators can also support traders in analyzing the psychological developments of the crowd when participating in transactions.

Detailed concept of Momentum indicator

Momentum indicators are a popular technical analysis indicator in the Crypto market. They are used to measure the rate of change in the prices of cryptocurrencies in the Crypto market. This indicator is based on comparing past price changes with current price changes. 

Analysis of Momentum indicators when trading Crypto
Analysis of Momentum indicators when trading Crypto

The purpose is to measure the rate of change in price over some time. With the help of information from this indicator, investors can fully understand the fluctuations of the market. When the indicator reaches the overbought and oversold zones, a reversal signal will appear. 

See more: Learn Momentum – The 3 principles of optimal trading

Calculation formula of Momentum indicators

Currently, in the Crypto market, there are two calculation formulas for the indicator  Momentum trading. First, investors can use the formula closing price i – closing price (in). The second formula investors can apply is (closing price i/closing price in)*100.

For both formulas, the closing price of i is the closing price for trading session i. The closing price of it is the trading session of in, and n is the trading session at the previous time. The period “n” in the formula can be any period.

Characteristics of Momentum in the Crypto Market

With  Momentum indicators, the indicator consists of blue oscillating lines with a reference line of 0. The reference line value of 0 represents the area where the price of the coin or index has no trend. At this time, the price on the Crypto chart is likely to go sideways. The Momentum line will always oscillate around the reference line. 

The further the Momentum line is from the reference line, the stronger the price movement. The distance between the reference line and the Momentum tells investors how fast or slow the price is moving. A larger distance shows that the market is moving faster and vice versa if they are at a small distance.

Function of Momentum indicator in the market

Understanding the function of Momentum indicators will help investors apply them more effectively when trading.

Assessing Trend Strength in Crypto Technical Analysis

This is considered one of the most important functions when using  Momentum indicators in crypto trading. Investors can completely rely on the momentum line and the reference line to recognize signs of an up or down market.

Momentum's trend strength assessment function
Momentum’s trend strength assessment function

When the momentum line is above the reference line 0. It shows that the price of the current trading session is higher than the previous price. Currently, the price is leaning toward the buyer, the market shows signs of an uptrend. 

If the momentum line is below the reference line 0. Then the current price trend is down, and the price of the current session is lower than the price of the previous session, also known as session n. The further the momentum line is from the reference line, the more the price tends to go down. They will move sideways if the momentum line is close to the reference line. 

Momentum indicators determine buy and sell signals

This indicator not only provides signals for investors to assess the strength of the trend.  Momentum indicators also provide investors with potential buy and sell signals to enter the market. In the buy signal, investors will place orders when the oscillator goes below the negative zone and crosses the zero value. In addition, investors can also use support and resistance zones instead of the oscillator line to find buy and sell points. Conversely, if the oscillator line starts going down from the positive zone to below the zero value. Then investors should place a sell order with cryptocurrency pairs.

Momentum indicators determine buy and sell signals
Momentum indicators determine buy and sell signals

Use Momentum indicators when trading

Investors should note that the default parameter when using the Momentum indicator is 14. The higher the number of trading sessions, the weaker the momentum indicator. Along with that, the fewer trading signals. And the price trend may decrease compared to the actual market trend. The smaller the number of trading sessions, the more volatile the momentum indicator. And this can completely lead to false signals for investors when trading.

To use Momentum when trading in the Crypto market, investors need to pay attention to the 100 axis of the indicator. When the momentum indicator moves above the 100 axis, the price trend in the market is now up. When the indicator moves below the 100 axis, the price trend in the market is now down. In addition, the momentum indicator also helps traders determine the strength of the trend. 

Using  Momentum indicators when trading
Using  Momentum indicators when trading

The further the momentum indicator is from the 100 axis, the stronger the market price increases and vice versa. Calculating and reading the timing indicator is quite simple. Investors can completely research and use it themselves or combine it with trading platforms on the market. Currently, Crypto trading platforms allow the use of  Momentum indicators with just a few clicks.

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Momentum Indicator Divergence in Crypto Technical Analysis

Investors can combine divergence with the Momentum indicator. This will help investors make more reliable information when trading. Momentum divergence is when the main price trend is moving in one direction. And the oscillator moves in the opposite direction. This is the key for investors to identify price reversals.

If the price divergence line is rising but the price of the cryptocurrency pair is falling. Along with that, the bottom of the Momentum lines is rising. This shows that the market is showing signs of slowing down selling and the price is trending down. If the price divergence line is rising and the top of the Momentum indicator is falling. This shows that the price is rising on the chart and the market is showing signs of slowing down buying. 


Momentum indicators help investors recognize signs of the strength or weakness of trend momentum. In addition, they can also help investors determine buying and selling points in the market. However, Momentum is an indicator without upper or lower limits. Therefore, when using it, investors should combine other indicators to increase reliability such as MACD, and Bollinger Bands,… Follow Crypto Trading every day to update news about the cryptocurrency market.


When trading Momentum, what lines does this indicator include?

Momentum in the Crypto market consists of two basic lines. The first is the green oscillator line, the second is the zero reference line.

Can using Momentum indicators help to detect price reversals?

Investors can use Momentum to identify price reversal points.

What signs on Momentum indicate that the price will reverse?

If the indicator is greater than 103 and less than 98. This is most likely a sign of price reversal.

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